
Project roadmap

This diagram provides an overview of the main phases and activities of the project. Additional management and evaluation activities will occur throughout.

Project achievements

Management Information System

Date: March 2023

In support of project monitoring and financial management, a management information system was developed and implemented.

Situational analysis

Date: March 2023

A situational analysis comprising of a policy context analysis, a stakeholder analysis, a training needs assessment, and an information technology needs assessment was completed and key findings shared across project partners.

The kick-off workshop

Date: June 2023

A project kick-off workshop was conducted to place the project plan into context of the situational analysis key findings which allowed identification of areas requiring adjustment and finalise the project plan. A report on the project’s inception workshop (kick-off) was drafted and shared with all project partners.

Transdisciplinary courses

Date: December 2023

A framework for the first set of transdisciplinary courses was developed. These planned courses were then integrated as elective courses in existing master programs across the partners in Thailand. Each of the Thai partners then obtained accreditation for the planned transdisciplinary courses from their respective universities.

1st round curriculum development

Date: December 2023

A joint work visit of experts of the University of Maastricht and Heidelberg University to partners in Thailand facilitated preparation of capacity building in curriculum development (courses 1-3) and the development of a learning management system. This was followed up by a co-creation workshop where teachers from varying disciplines and professionals from varying sectors, with guidance from UM and HU experts, prepared to work in teams on transdisciplinary curriculum development. Each of the teams then continued to work in separate periodical meetings on a specific course.

Learning Management System

Date: December 2023

In collaboration with curriculum development and curriculum delivery teams, a learning management system and an e-learning infrastructure was developed for joint use by partner institutions in conducting blended transdisciplinary courses.

Practice stakeholders’ involvement

Date: December 2023 – March 2024

Professionals from relevant public, private or civil society organisations participated in both the development and the delivery of transdisciplinary curricula.

1st round transdisciplinary course delivery

Date: May-June 2024

Transdisciplinary courses 1-3 have been delivered by trained instructors for students from 3 partnering institutions in Thailand using a blended learning approach.

Mid-term project progress review

Date: June 2024

The mid-term progress report including evaluation of all components of training, curriculum development, delivery and outcomes for the first round of transdisciplinary courses was completed.

The ASEAN Centre for Transdisciplinary Education and Research (ACTER)
Date: August 2024

ACTER, hosted by Thammasat University, acts as a hub for innovation in higher education which facilitates the development of a community of practice in transdisciplinary problem solving and its translation to graduate studies, continuing education. As the centre is a joint initiative it was decided not to create a physical infrastructure, but create a virtual contact and meeting place instead. Specific initiatives developed under the centre can be implemented either virtually such as webinars, online trainings etc. or take place at a physical location such as university campuses, government agencies’ offices, non-government organisations’ offices and/or community settings. The centre’s webpage was launched at and recently a hub manager has been appointed.