Co-creation Workshop

From November 8 to 11, 2023, THE-GLOW Co-creation Workshop brought together faculty from all five partner institutions, along with representatives from the private sector and civil society. The goal of this first workshop was to initiate the co-creation process for transdisciplinary course development.

During the workshop, three working groups were established, comprising faculty from the three Thai universities, supporting universities (Heidelberg University in Germany and Maastricht University in the Netherlands), and external stakeholders from the private sector and civil society. The workshop featured interactive instructions on transdisciplinary course development based on innovative learning methods, which were alternated with group work. This group work focused on developing learning objectives, course schedules, teaching and learning materials, and an assessment plan. The content of the interactive sessions was adapted daily by UM faculty based on the progress made. The workshop also led to the creation of a course design approach linking SDGs to the food-water-energy-health nexus, using scientific stages (problem framing, problem analysis, and intervention) to structure the courses.

Following the onsite co-creation workshop, the groups continued to meet online to further detail the course content. This collaborative effort resulted in the completion of the first set of three courses, which were conducted from mid-May to the end of June.

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AIT Inaugurates Smart Classroom to Foster Transformative Education

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