The European Union Cluster Meeting and Erasmus+ Project Dissemination Event

A team from the THE-GLOW project, consisting of colleagues from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Kasetsart University (KU), and Thammasat University (TU), participated in the European Union’s (EU) Education, Audiovisual, and Cultural Executive Agency (EACEA) cluster meeting and Erasmus+ project dissemination event convened at Kasetsart University’s Bangkok campus.

The cluster meeting is an integral part of EACEA’s monitoring strategy, with the objective to foster collaboration and networking among Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in partner countries. It provides a platform for HEIs to synergize, establish valuable contacts, and create networks aimed to maximize the impact of the Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) initiatives.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Li Liang, as the TU project lead, presented THE-GLOW to an audience of EU-EACEA and Erasmus+ representatives, academia, professionals, and students from the Asian region.

THE-GLOW’s exhibition booth attracted the attention of the audience throughout the two-day event. Among the visitors to our booth were colleagues from Thai, Lao PDR, and Vietnamese academic institutes who expressed a keen interest in exploring potentials for future collaborations.

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